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In terms of structure, door, mechanism and formulation are not different from each other.
Toilets in grades 2 and 3 do not have any technical difficulties like draining, cracking, or leaking, but defects like waves in the body of the toilet or small spots that are fixed after cooking produce a fall in grade, which is classed as grade 2 and 3 depending on the severity.
In general, respected customers cannot tell the difference between products of different grades.

Rosi gray and black color is the same as glazed white and it does not change color any way.

If the color of your product changes, the factory will replace it for free, covering any additional costs.

Rosi products are entirely self-contained and have no legal reliance on another company.

All processes are carried out in the factory's own production unit, relying on our team's technological knowledge, and all achievements are owned by Rosi.

There is no risk of the corona virus spreading through sewage systems. However, public health must be observed everywhere, even the restroom. Viruses can adhere to the surfaces of the toilet and its surroundings, and you can become infected by contacting those contaminated surfaces with your hands. As a result, you should close the toilet lid before flushing and properly wash your hands after using the toilet. To comply with hygiene concerns in your daily life, totally disinfect faucets, wash basins, and door handles.

In order to choose the most appropriate model of sanitary ware, it is necessary to have information such as the dimensions of the installation space, the location of the sewage outlet, the size of the tank, the type of double door, AX, etc.

According to international standards, water absorption in sanitary porcelain should be less than 0.75%. If the water absorption in a sanitary porcelain is higher than the allowed limit, it causes the accumulation of pollution, bad smell and creating an unsanitary environment.

The presence of waves in sanitary porcelain, in addition to the negative effect on the beauty of the product, causes water not to be directed correctly to the outlet, which causes staining and unsanitary factors in the product.

The presence of cracks in the sanitary porcelain product greatly increases the probability of the product breaking. Also, the cracked part is a suitable place for the growth of fungi and bacteria.

The high quality of the glaze prevents the penetration of water, waste and pollution into the sanitary porcelain piece and therefore minimizes the possibility of the growth of fungi, bacteria and microbes; As a result, it provides a more hygienic environment.

In addition to beauty and high quality, a good toilet should drain the largest volume of impurities in the toilet bowl with the least amount of water consumption in the shortest time, without sound, without discharge and with sufficient suction power.

Different methods are used to flush and clean the toilet. "Wash down", "Whirlpool", "Waterjet", and "Turbojet" discharge systems are four popular discharge mechanisms found in most modern toilets.

Ax is the distance between the center of the siphon exit and the wall behind the toilet.

One of the most significant aspects of toilet seat installation that should be considered when purchasing is the size of the toilet seat.

In the market, there are two types of "regular" and "silent" doors in bathroom toilets.

Beautiful model, size and comfort of the toilet, transparency of the glaze, glaze surface, lack of fractures on the glaze body, ease of installation, and accessories.

All standard detergents can be used for washing.

It is not recommended to use a dishwashing wire for any of the sanitary porcelain products, and it is better to use a cloud, sponge and scotch.

Non-sealing of the draining mechanism, jamming of the float breaker lever (due to scale build-up), not closing the water outlet valve of the draining mechanism.

Before installation, attention must be paid to the infrastructure of the installation site, the product and sealing at the time of installation; These items are controlled by authorized service providers.

Yes. Rosi toilet tanks are glazed.

Low level of water in the bowl, incorrect installation of the toilet

The size of the sewage outlet pipe in Rosi toilets is equal to 90.

Rosi manufactured toilets have glazed trap.